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Putting the word "breakup" in the title of anything this close to the holidays is a bold move, but bear with me. It's not the Hallmark Movie tear-jerker that the headline may lead you to believe. This is a tale of victory. We take a roundabout way to get there, but let us illustrate how NOT working together may sometimes be the best thing for all involved.
If you're a business owner seeking information about marketing your HVAC company, it is likely that you're a few years removed from High School. Think back to those glorious days when you didn't need coffee to survive, and your back didn't hurt...paradise, right? Remember the relationships? Remember how immaturely you handled them? Unless you are one of the very few people in the world to have successfully nurtured a "sweetheart" into a spouse, you're probably glad you didn't end up with one of those trial-runs. (Guess what....they feel the same way!)
Business is similar. We've all pushed for a contract or a deal that we probably should have just let go. Whatever it is inside us that refuses to read the writing on the wall...that voice that says "ignore those red-flags" wreaks havoc on us sometimes.
Maturity does a lot to silence that voice, but in business, especially in the early stages, saying "no" to a sale is one of the hardest things to do. Being able to see the deal for what it is....that's something that only comes with experience. Painful, often costly experience.
A customer who demands that you do something to compromise a firmly held belief is not one that you want to base a long-term strategy around. If your pricing is confusing and leaves the prospect with more questions than answers, you're probably not a good fit. Trust can't be established in those scenarios and no matter how hard we try, lucrative business relationships can't happen without trust.
Trust the experience. Be wise and mature enough to seek the guidance of those who have gone before you.
The collective leadership, the ones informing the strategies that will guide your company to that version of success you pictured a few paragraphs back...we've navigated our fair share of relationships that hindered our own path to success. We've pushed for sales that ended up costing us more than we made and we've been talked into deals that we shouldn't have considered in the first place. We learned. We analyzed and stored that information for use with YOU.
Win-Win Marketing requires that both parties benefit from the relationship. Sometimes the only way to insure that a friendship can remain intact is to abandon the idea of a business relationship.
Kenny Rogers was right when he said "you gotta know when to hold 'em, Know when to fold 'em....Know when to walk away...Know when to run." 800.852.8676
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