Saturday, November 19, 2022

What To Expect From a Trending Up Marketing Partnership....

What does a Marketing Strategy from Trending Up Digital Services, look like? 

By now you've heard all about our "Win-Win Marketing" idea that we hope to spread far and wide, but that's more of a concept. It's a terrific concept, but it doesn't really explain what one of our strategies looks and feels like. 

There are no cookie cutter plans or strategies at Trending Up. The first step in any strategy will be to sit down and dig deep into several key components of your business's future. We're going to get to know your current marketing strategies and budgets. We're going to dig into your fulfillment capabilities and your team's strengths. We're going to spend a lot of time helping you identify your unique brand which will be critical down the road. 

We've been in your shoes. We know how frustrating it is for a salesman to look across a table or desk at you and speak in foreign, computer-speak. We will never do that. If we encounter a language barrier, we'll adapt to you; not the other way around. Our goal is not to "talk you into" working with us. If you are one of the Home Service Professionals with whom we are fortunate enough to work, the relationship will be a Win-Win from the start.

Now...your potential customers are everywhere. Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and so on. They are trying to find you.....OR SOMEONE LIKE YOU. Let that sink in. There was a reason for the all caps emphasis. You've been an online customer. When you need something and take that search "to the Google" as my Grandmother would say, you don't spend hours scrolling through the pages and pages of results. You pick one of the first ten to fifteen and go from there. 75% of online searches never go beyond the first page of results before making a buying decision. Our strategies tackle this issue. We make sure you get found. 

Customer Flow - When you have work for all your technicians, we're happy. Let's make sure

we're all prepared for the incoming workload.  If we plan the strategies well enough and execute them according to their design, we should be able to get our "aces in their places" as they say

Website Development
Website - A bad website is like an ugly blind date. You might sit through the meal, but you're probably not going out again. If you're one of the ones that catches the eye of a prospect from the initial search page but the click leads them to an ugly, out-of-date website you've Double-Lost 'em and that's just not good business. Trending Up will always advise against angering your market.

SEO & Win-Win Marketing Get Results!
Top-Tier Google Results - Whether we choose to accept it or not, Google is the boss of the Internet. What they say matters more than the rest, so our strategies will be designed to keep your Google ranking and results high. You'll be in that first page and we don't have to break the bank to do it. 


You're proud of the work you do and you should be! Guess what...your customers are proud of the work that you've done in their homes. Their comfort is literally because of you and with a little appropriate requesting, a lot of them will let you know just writing. We're going to focus a lot of energy on the growth of your Online Reputation. We're going to monitor it and consistently get positive reviews for you. This helps to boost not only your online scoring, but also your customer confidence. People trust strangers online. It's weird but true. 

BOOK NOW - 800.852.8676
Digital Ad Campaigns are one of the most often mismanaged components of any
marketing strategy and that is precisely why Trending Up will work hard in the infancy of our relationship to help you "identify your brand." Colors. Messaging. Style, etc. Once established, your ad campaigns can be consistent and easy for your prospects to pick out of the others. We'll properly target your marketing through effective PPC. Your dollars will be very specifically directed for optimum results. 

Win-Win Marketing Strategies for Social Media Success
Social media was once regarded as a waste of time. It was a place our children went to do kid things and business could not be done there. Those days are gone. People watch YouTube Videos. They read Facebook comments. They look at Instagram stories. Your potential Team Members are on Linked In. get one shot at forming their opinion of you. Trending Up is going to celebrate your Social Media Victories with you. Success comes from planning and our strategies are thoroughly planned. Our strategies will keep you engaged with your customers. HVAC needs don't arise everyday. We will work hard to make sure they remember you when the time comes again. 

Call Today or go Online and Book an Appointment. If you're an HVAC business owner or know someone who is, please direct them to our website to start the conversation with us. It's simple, free, and painless. 

Thank you!


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